Friday, January 6, 2017

Aluminum or Metal Half Round Window Trim

Did you recently pay a high price for vinyl siding or vinyl windows?

Once your contractor thinks he is finished, did you look up at your half round window to see it is the only window on the house not trimmed to match the rest of the windows?

Or maybe, you are the contractor. And the customer will not pay until the half round window trim is finished. Wow! That is a dilemma.

This might help. This is an aluminum half round window trim piece manufactured by Onyx Xteriors and easily found at

The half round window trim is made from the same aluminum used with vinyl siding and window installs. You can choose your color to match what you have.

Each trim piece is measured to match your measures to fit your half round window.

This is a simple drawing of the measures we need to ensure a great fit every time. You so not need to add or subtract anything. Just give us your existing window trim measures and we do the rest.

Or do you need something more intricate and special?
This piece was manufactured as one piece. All the installers had to do after delivery, was snap it on and seal it in. How much simpler can that get?
Now, the centerpiece of the home matches the rest of the home.

So, if you are tired of hearing "No, there is no such thing as aluminum half round window trim"?
Just visit to get yours.

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